GeoTagged, [N33.63476, E96.61803]
Hope to be back by Monday! The charger to our computer broke and best buy does not have the right one.
Waiting on our new one to be shipped and going crazy without the Internet. It's just not the same on my phone. I can blog from my phone -like I'm doing now - but my fat fingers make lots of errors and autocorrect hates me and turned all my wirds into dirty So instead of all the spellcheck Nd the chance of being offensive I will take a break.
See you next week and have a great weekend!!!!!
How'd u get a pick on your blog from your phone?? I've been complaining about not knowing how to do that on my blog for about 4 months ;)
You cant do it from the lite app. I got it for .99 and now I can add pics :)
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